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World of Warcraft 1st Person View
Monday, February 28, 2005
Needles Gank and the consequences
As beautiful as the Thousand Needles are, it is also a Contested Territory and one close to Horde homelands. That said, I avoided a number of contacts in the canyon and the salt lake-bed with higher-level Horde members. Stealthed atop race control tower at the Goblin Racetrack facility, I observed one rogue from The Big Bad Voodoo Gang guild to stroll around the nearby race facilitity. Little did I know that there is another guildie rogue of his, sneaking up behind my back. Stunned and overpowered by 2 L30 rogues, I was finished off in a short time.

Upon return to Duskwood, my regular grinding and questing place these levels, I heeded to guild call for defensive raid at Astranaar. Although the raid was over by the time I got there, I still scored two Horde kills in the Thistlefur humanoid village north of Astranaar. The shaman and rogue ate the poison right off my dagger.

(images to be added later, you can view them here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v284/Europa7/NeedlesAndPins/ )
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